On the 18th May, the Guapiaçu Ecological Reserve (REGUA) staged the "Sport is Nature" event, which brought together more than 100 people in a celebration of outdoor activities. Participants, coming from different locations around the reserve, arrived at the site by bicycle, running or walking, enjoying direct contact with nature.

Organized by the Cachoeiras de Macacu Sports Secretariat in collaboration with REGUA, the event was considered an absolute success. "Sport is Nature" provided a unique integration between sporting activities and the natural environment, also offering integrative practices that promoted well-being and health.
The event is part of the Sou(L) program, sponsored by Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) and supported by the Municipality of Cachoeiras de Macacu. The Sou(L) program aims to improve the quality of life and foster a harmonious relationship between people and nature, encouraging a deeper and more conscious connection between the local community and the reserve.

The community's enthusiastic participation in the event demonstrated their keen interest in environmental preservation and the practice of outdoor sports, reinforcing the importance of initiatives that promote health and sustainability.