On November 4, the Guapiaçu Ecological Reserve (REGUA) launched a documentary called Stars of the Land. This production tells the stories of local residents over 70 years old from the localities surrounding the institution. The main objective was to rescue the local culture, emphasizing the relationship between people and the environment together with the sense of belonging.

The debut event was attended by residents of neighboring communities; children, young people and adults came together to watch stories of overcoming, learning, pain and joy. It was an afternoon marked by emotional moments.

The documentary is available on the official YouTube channel and here on the website.
Event supporters: City Hall of Cachoeiras de Macacu, Macacu Cine, Aquilo que Eu Faço and Lets Fly.
This was an initiative of the "Sou(L)" program, which has the general objective of promoting quality of life and the harmonious integration of human beings with nature. This program is dedicated to fostering a deeper and more conscious connection between the local community and the Guapiaçu Ecological Reserve, through planting activities, training, courses and events aimed at the surrounding community, seeking to achieve a sustainable balance between human development and environmental preservation.