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2023.07.26 REGUA Cachoeiras de Macacu RJ 068A0246 (Luciano Fischer)01.jpg


The Institute for Technology and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT) at the Technical University of Applied Sciences (TH Köln), in partnership with REGUA and with the participation of the Federal Rural University (UFRRJ), is developing a training programme based on local knowledge and REGUA's extensive experience in ecological restoration.


4º CURSO Curso para comunidades ao entorno da REGUA

Data: 24/09/24 até 23/10/24, as 3ª, 4ª e 6ª feiras de 14 às 19 hs, na REGUA

Público alvo: Residentes do município de Cachoeiras de Macacu-RJ com mais de 15 anos de idade


Restauração florestal e outros serviços

3º CURSO: Curso para estudantes universitários

Data: 19, 20, 21, 22 e 23/08

Público alvo: Estudantes Universitários


Conservação da Biodiversidade aliada às práticas de Restauração Florestal


Date: 15, 17, 22, 23, 24, and 26/07

Target audience: Women


The aim is to empower women to become leaders in ecosystem conservation, promoting positive changes for the environment and their communities.
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Date: 11 and 12/06

Target audience: 1st Sector/Government


Getting to know REGUA and the benefits generated by forest conservation and restoration. General concepts applied to forest restoration. Tackling Climate change
Understanding the benefits generated by forest conservation and ecosystem services; Forest restoration - Field visit; Forest legislation; Applying the knowledge.

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Replântica Project

The project aims at promoting shared responsibility for biodiversity improvement, ecosystem services and climate resilience by implementing capacity-building measures to different stakeholders. ITT, with extensive experience in the biome, has developed a public policy on sustainable rural development through the Rio Rural project. REGUA, a renowned local conservation NGO, actively engages in ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation and plays a critical role in the Atlantic Rainforest Restoration Pact.
Together with the Forest Institute of UFRRJ, ITT and REGUA will create a training program based on local knowledge and best practices. The program courses will be offered to landowners, restoration trainers, students, and interested locals, particularly women. Even though the courses will be specifically tailored to the target groups, main subjects will cover biodiversity conservation, ecological restoration and climate change mitigation and adaptation, among others. While the training will occur at and around REGUA, participants will apply their knowledge to their own lands, contributing to the restoration of the Mata Atlântica in Rio de Janeiro.

✅ Key course benefits:

🎓 Training provided by experienced professors and local technicians;

🏞️ Recognition of the municipality as a strategic region for water production and provider of ecosystem services;

🌱 Opportunity to learn about restoration actions in the municipality, with practical lessons at REGUA;

🏅 Course participation certificates issued by the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and the Institute for Technology and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT) at the University of Applied Science in Cologne, in partnership with REGUA.

Course location: Guapiaçu Ecological Reserve 

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