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Demonstration Plots

Professor Paulo Sérgio Leles, from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Laboratory of Research and Studies in Reforestation (LAPER), has been conducting, with students and partner technicians, several studies related to the improvement of silvicultural techniques for training forest stands aiming at forest restoration. Experiments include studies on weed control and the use of sewage sludge biosolids as fertilizer at planting, use of herbicides in pre-emergent species and direct seeding practices.

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The use of the direct seed restoration technique was carried out for the first time at REGUA in 2022 and was experimental in nature. As a result, a partnership was established with LAPER, which, through Professor Paulo Sérgio Leles, made it possible to successfully implement the area. A partnership was also formed with a company from the state of São Paulo, called Da Serra Ambiental, which is interested in testing the direct sowing of seed technique and the use of pre-emergent herbicides in other areas of the biome, in order to compare it with its experimental areas.  

For this research, the sowing area was divided into three sample units, in each one the sowing was done in a different way. The objective of the experiment is to test the efficiency of sowing methods based on the way in which cultural treatments will take place in the future. In one part of the experiment, the use of pre-emergent herbicides will be tested in 6 different treatments to evaluate the efficiency of weed competition control in blocks 1 and 2. Block 3 will be used as a control.


We are also part of PELD CNPq - Long-term Ecological Research, at the Mosaico Central Fluminense site. Created in 1997 by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), PELD sites are reference areas for ecological research in Brazil.


There are currently 40 PELD sites funded by CNPq, distributed among the different Brazilian biomes. Mosaico Central Fluminense is one of them, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro.


The PELD-MCF operates in 4 Conservation Units, namely the Serra dos Órgãos National Park (PARNASO), the Três Picos State Park (PETP), REGUA and the Environmental Protection Area (APA) of the Macacu River Basin, investigating different groups of fauna and flora.

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Guapiaçu Ecological Reserve

Address: Faz. Serra do Mar, w/nº, Guapiaçu - Cachoeiras de Macacu/RJ

Postal Code: 28.680-000

Phone: +55 21 98370-6712



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