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The Southern Muriqui

The Southern Muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) is the largest primate in the Americas, found only in the Atlantic Forest, in the Serra do Mar of Paraná, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and a small area of ​​Minas Gerais states. Its population has been declining in recent years due to the fragmentation of forests and predatory hunting. This species is classified under the "critically threatened" category by the IUCN red list.

Southern Muriquis registered by our rangers Rildo da Rosa and Adilei Carvalho da Cunha

This year, in May, we started the Muriqui Monitoring Program, held here at REGUA/PETP, with the active participation of the Rildo da Rosa ranger and the employee Gabriel Teixeira, along with the researchers of the Caminhos da Mata Atlantica iniciative with the support of the ASA - Institute of Socio - Environmental Action. The objective is to find and map the Muriqui populations within this territory using mainly the active search method.


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