Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) will be funding REGUA's socio-environmental education initiatives in 2024 which include the Young Ranger, Baby and Nature, School Visitation and the Community Outreach Programmes.

On August 2nd, Mr Yoshiteru Kawai, Executive Vice-President Director of Mitsubishi Corporation Brasil S.A. (MCB) and General Manager of the Rio Branch of MCB, Mr Atsushi Sakurai, Managing Director of the Coordination Department of MCB and Mrs Saori Matsubara, Manager of the Coordination Department of MCB came to REGUA to meet the team, as well as the Young rangers and local members of the Japanese agricultural community in REGUA's vicinity. A Momerandum Of Understading (MOU) was signed in between REGUA and MC. It was a memorable event!

We also had the Funchal and Papucaia Japonese Kaikan (club) members attending this lovely event. They talked about the history of their colony in Cachoeiras de Macacu municipality and were delighted to meet MC representatives.
We are also very happy to have signed a MOU between REGUA and Cachoeiras de Macacu Municipal Education Department.
It is an honor to have MC sponsoring REGUA's socio-environmenatl programme which aims at contributing to the on-going process of promoting fairer and ecologically balanced societies.
